How to access the ENTREPRENDRE EXPO trade show?

All you have to do is register for free by creating your account: your email address will be your identifier to connect to the Virtual Salon.

Sans vous déplacer et où que vous soyez, pour participer au Salon Virtuel ENTREPRENDRE EXPO, visiter les stands, communiquer avec les exposants, assister aux conférences, vous avez besoin d’une simple connexion, un ordinateur, une tablette ou un smartphone.

How to access the ENTREPRENDRE EXPO Virtual Fair?
All you have to do is register for free by creating your account: your email address will be your identifier to connect to the Virtual Salon.

Without moving and wherever you are, to participate in the ENTREPRENDRE EXPO Virtual Fair, visit the stands, communicate with exhibitors, attend e-conferences, you need a simple connection, a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.